Tuesday 23 November 2010

Main Media Task

Myself, Katie Flatters, Eloise Green and Honor Ireland have all chosen to join together as a group for our main media task. The reason for this is from our successful preliminary task, however we have joined in the group Eloise as we feel that our work will be more established as 4 instead of 3.

Here are the blogger's html of the other 3 in the group:

Katie Flatters
Honor Ireland
Eloise Green

Genre of the Film
For our film we decided to do the genre on thriller, this is because it effects the physiologically. Also we felt as a group that we would enjoy this genre more than the others, therefore will be best of our ability. Also it ended up being between horror and thriller, the reason in which we chose thriller is that horror needs many speical effects and if they aren't done correctly, can look fake and unrealistic.