Tuesday 14 December 2010

Deconstruction, Learning and Praticising

This is the opening credit of the film The Kingdom, the setting is based in a desert, this can make the audience think why has it got this location? has it got further involvement later in the film? the style of writing is clear and emphasis the main description. Also the date is positioned as if it was on a timeline, this is effected. 
This clip has the title of the film: The Kingdom. The way that this has been shown gives more attention to the word "kingdom", in big bold writing. This could because the film is based on an actual kingdom, and is trying to get to this across to the audience.

From looking at the first clip this sequence has followed on with the desert background and pylons, this is related to the "1933 oil is discovered" which is interpreted with a pylon, is a effective way to show this. does make you wonder why has the pylons got anything to with the film?
This the second time the word "oil" has been incorporated in the opening scene, this can indicate to the audience that oil has some interpretation in the film. And that the film may follow up on why or where oil is being protected? This clip shows two men, from the audio it says they are from west and east of Egypt. they are two important people, that might have a major part of influence in the film.

Thirdly shows signs of oil, and this time where it goes, and produced. From this clip, the audience gain knowledge and understanding that there is war over oil, from looking back a clip the two presidents collide and is repeated that, "Oil was a American national security priority". Shows you the main importance of what oil is used for, to maybe make the audience realise why there is war.

This is an interesting clip, from the clip before announces that Saudi Arabia are the number one oil producers in the world, and then from this clip to the next it says that United States are the number one oil consumer in the world, this can indicate that these two countries have conflict and have major issues throughout this film, or maybe the opposite way round.

This location, maybe associated with Saudi Arabia or USA shows disruption in the area from what looks like a oil spillage, or generally just danger. From this clip to the next their is no sound, meaning that they want much attention of the audience of this clip. The writing of the name is bigger than the writing of "produced of", emphasises his name to make him more important.

From carrying on from the clip before, it emphasises the danger that is occurring. This shows from what a bomb has happened: the aftermath. Although the clip has much involvement, the writitng has stood out in bold.

The writing of "the FBI is the lead agency whenever US citizens are attacked abroad", gives a sense to the audience that this has some type of connection to the film later on. Specifically on the "FBI" is in bold incoporating that FBI also have a big involvement with the film because the opening credits has given the audience important facts and figures.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Deconstucting of opening scene (Se7en)

This is the opening thriller scene of Se7en, this only shows the credits and a few clips. Has many close ups and music. To set the mood throughout the film it has used eery and upbeat music. It is quite a creepy song at the start (Nine Inch Nails- Closer) and this sets the mood for the rest of the film.

Deconstruction, Learning & Practising

This is the opening clip of the film Se7en, it shows the production of the film and a book. By showing the book it is indicating a bit of mystery towards the film, and wondering whether this book could be important.

Secondly this sequence is showing a symmetric view of hands, although they are out of line; meaning that this maybe could be shown in the film how this has happened. The hands are drawn on paper which adds to the mysterious view, why have they been drawn? The writing used is shaky which adds to the creepiness along with the music.This puts the audience on edge.

This image is someone scraping skin off their fingers. The fingers shown are dirty and gruesome, which makes you the audience think what has happened for them to be like that? and why would you do something so drastic? 

This time the image has the writing of the title on the book, which is again shaky and adds an unease to the film. Also that the fingers have been bandaged up from where that have been sliced off, can give the audience confusion where they have hurt themselves one minute and bandage up the next. A second book has been picked up indicating that maybe again something mysterious is involved (secrets.)

This image shows him writing on the paper which again, using the same writing as before. The writing is quick and shaky and then flashes a close up on the paper. This makes the audience think what is going on.

This is an interesting clip as the audience will ask; who is this man? what has he done? and where is he now? the fact that he has scrapped out his eyes and then his face, gives a dangerous feel.

Again this has the shaky writing. Also shows the man placing down safety pins down on piece of paper. The precision of the hands show that he is doing this very carefully; could be something important. This makes it more mysterious and wondering what he is going to do with it.  

Image showing the man sewing together the paper, makes you wonder why is he doing this and not just be normal and use a stapler? what are these papers for? This obviously shows something is being hidden within this, the audience will want the mystery unrevealed.

Lastly the image shows a cutting out of the word "god" from a U.S note. Also that he isn't using his fingers to leave fingertips but using tweezer, meaning that maybe is plotting something that he don't want to be caught by.