Tuesday 25 January 2011

Camera Angles

When we are filming our main media film, we have to take into account 3 main shots, this includes; 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot.

180 degree rule - This is a basic film editing technique used usually in convo’s and to distinguish the left/right relationship between 2 people. To do this, there is an imaginary line between the 2 people, and the maintain continuity, this line is not to be crossed. This is used in our film where Katie is in the bathroom, however we are going to edit this scene so it all fits into place.

To the right is an example of what 180 degree rule; The camera can move anywhere within the half circle, but it shouldn't go across the red line otherwise from a viewers perspective it will cause confusion and disorientation, so avoid doing this.
Match on Action -

This is a cutting from one shot to another view that matches the action and place of the first shot. This creates an impression of continuity although the shot have been filmed weeks apart. If the character begins an action in the first shot and completes an action in the ext, a visual “bridge” is created which acts to disguise the cut from on to the other. A typical example of this is a car entering form one side of the shot and leaving then appearing from the left again.

In our film we used the match on action shot, when the character Katie is walking towards the door of the games room, to go outside. This gave it more effect, as you could see the emotion of the character coming to the screen.

Shot/Reverse Shot -
This is a film technique used to show 1 character looking at something off screen. In our case for our film its another character in a conversation. Then the camera switches to the person that the original character was looking at. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer unconsciously assumes that they are looking at each other.This was locted in the games room when the character's Honor and Katie were dicussing who dared to go outside.

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