Tuesday 25 January 2011

Questionnaire results

Question 1. What is you favourite genre?
This was asked to see if we have picked the right genre, or if it was close to being the most popular answer. If our genre we chosen; thriller, wasn't a high answered answer, then as a group would need to consider whether to change or improve our film based around thriller. However from our results Horror was answered 7 people people, making it the main genre, although thriller was just underneath with 6 people answered, meaning that we have made the right decision in our genre and should be a popular choice. The least favourite was Sci-fi, which luckily enough we didn't choose this.

Question 2. This question was related to question 1, asking why is this you favourite genre? we chose to leave out as it was an open-question meaning that it gives a wider answer variation. We couldn't put all the answers into one graph.

Question 3. What makes a thriller film?

This was an important question, because this will influence our main aspects to use in our film. It was a open question, which gives us a more valid response of what the audience really want. From looking at our results is shows that the main answer was "physcological", and second was "the unknown", both of these come under to what a thriller is, therefore as group consider to use the elements.

Question 4. Which of these thriller films have you watched and enjoyed?

Using this question it will help us to make the plot of our film, we can analyse the characteristics of the most popular answer and compare what it has, to what ours doesn't to improve the elements of our film. From the results it shows that jaws is the most watched and enjoyed film by far. "The silence of the Lambs" is joint with "Se7en", these two films wouldn't have an effect on the film just "Jaws". Although because jaws has many comparisons to our plot, we can still consider the suspense of the film and incorporate it into ours.

Question 5. What are the main aspects of a thriller film to get the full attention of the audience?

This question can also help our film which what are the best qualities of a thriller that we can incorporate. This is also an opened-question which can be more valid giving the audience there own opinion.  The most popular answer is that the thriller film has "mystery" and secondly "jumpy", these two will be Incorporated into our film making it better and have more aspects of thriller involved.

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