Friday 21 January 2011

Final Decision

We all finally got together as a group to discuss, and were able to talk about what we actually want to do and how we will do it.

We thought of a couple ideas, but they only centered mainly around one person, and we all need to film parts of our project and act in it. It was a little hard coming up with ideas that focused on everyone, but we managed to get to a point where we knew what we were doing and just how we were going to achieve our goal and make sure it worked well.

Because our genre is a thriller, we wouldn't something that puts the audience in suspense with a sense of mystery. Our first idea was that we would base the idea around two girls getting ready for a night out, but with a twist. The twist would be that they aren't the only people in the house. From previous thriller/horror films they use the devil to creep up and appear in the bathroom mirror, because this is so effective we chosen to use this in our film.

Our group also come up with the suspense of the thriller, involving this in the film we chose to have a power cut, and the only way to reconnect it is by going to the end of the spooky garden. From using this as our main decision we have used the three main elements of what a thriller actually is: suspense, tension and excitement.

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