Tuesday 25 January 2011

Target Audience

The target audience for many thriller's are aged 18+, this is because they include a lot of violence and some psychological issues that can be disturbing for younger ages. The reason why chose to use 15+ and not 18+ is because we researched other successful psychological thrillers such as "Final Destination" and "Disturbing Behaviour" and realised that it attracted interesting commentary from teenage society as young as 15. Furthermore, these films did not include any real explicit conduct in the film, it was largely based on violence, deception, betrayal etc. Such themes are typical for a thriller film.

The target audience that we have chosen is 15+, however it will not be a 18+ because the content isn't overly explicit. For our film, this can be related to by the audience, as our main characters are teenagers/young adults, providing a pathway for connection from the audience. The film opening will have a target audience of 15+ because it contains psychological problems.

The gender towards the film can change, for example: for the opening, the characters evolve around two girls, this would be more aimed at female's. However when reaching to the end of the film when psychological takes place, male and female gender would be more interested.

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