Tuesday 18 January 2011

Decontruction of Juno

The music that is used to go with this sequence is a cheerful, happy song, giving a buzz to the audience towards the film. In this particular clip it has changed into cartoon, this could be because of the target audience of the film is for young teenage girls. The font is scribble wiriting which also links with the target audience, so it is clear and easier to understand. From this first clip, the character would most probably be the main character or some type of involvement.

Next one we see the girl again, but this time she is drinking cartoon from the bottle and standing in the middle of the road. This could mean many things, one being that she is carefree. This time the writing isn't scribbled but takes up half of the clip, emphasising the production.

This shows someones legs walking, the clips before I'm guessing from the outfit its the same girl. the van in the background could belong to girl. although this character still shows that she is carefree as she is walking along without no hesitation.

The opening credit shows the film title. Again the girl that we do not the name is yet, is walking down the street still with a carton in her hand. she looks like she is in a mind of her own, maybe she is walking to a destination, somewhere she wants to be.
As an audience this clip is pointless, it doesn't really mean anything. It shows a telephone pole, with birds flying around it. It's gives out to the audience a sense of calmness, the clip is light colours and doesn't have much involvement.
Again this is carrying on from the previous clips of the girl walking through the streets. This one shows her passing a house, can make the audience wonder whether this is her house, or a friends that she knows. Because the clip is cartoon, the writing follows this by being scribbled to stand out from the clip.
This also shows what the girl might be walking towards, though this doesn't actualy show her in this clip. It shows from what looks like a alley way along next to houses. This could be important to the girl, in fact could be the girl in her visions. 
From the previous clip walking through the alley way, she is now walking past a music shop, the audience dont whether she has visited this shop, maybe she could be interested in the music. However she isnt carrying anything on her, except her carton.
The last clip shows the name of the costume designer, also of her drinking out of her Sunny D bottle. Throughout the opening credit the audience dont get to see what the catron is she is drinking out of till now. This could be something she is interested in as she carries the carton around the whole time.

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