Friday 18 February 2011

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

After we had completed our media product we decided to create an audience feedback questionnaire which gave us feedback on how successful they thought our opening was. We handed out 10 questionnaire's, and did a random sampling. We thought ten was a equal number to use, giving us the right feedback we needed. 

We chose to type the questionnaire on Microsoft word, as it was easier and more quicker than using and other resources. My results were collected and graphs were produced with an in depth analysis for each question, this is shown below. 


Question 1 - After watching our film did you feel it met the conventions of a typical thriller film, briefly explain why.
This was an open ended question, here are just half of our variety of results;
" a little it was dark and eerie at some points it did create some tension"
"yes, because it left me in suspense with the black hoody in the background"
"yes, because it had suspense and the supernatural"
"mostly, what conventions are included are good, though some were missing"
"yes, because it made me want to watch more, due to physiological effects."

Overall from looking at our results on question 1, the majority of the answers were that us as a group succeeded in meeting the thriller conventions including suspense, tension, eerie and physiological effects. However some results explained that most of the conventions were there, but some however were missing, but these weren't included in the answer so therefore cant improve this to our film. 

Question 2 - After watching our opening scene do you think we have maintained a steady, professional use of the digital camera?

Yes - 6
No - 3
Mainly - 1  

From these results, 60% of the people answered with "yes" meaning that they thought we kept a steady professional use of digital camera, however 60% isn't a significant amount. As a group we need to consider that this could be improved and that it wasn't the best camera use of our ability. 
The film industry is extremely competitive and in order for our media product to compare and compete against other existing media products we needed our opening scene to look as professional as possible. The outcome of this question has informed us that they feel that we have met this level of professionalism, however it isn't as good to meet the expectations of other film industries, because of the low percentage of our results. 

Question 3 -  If possible could you briefly explain what you think will happen within the rest of the film.
this was an open ended question, below are some similar answers; 
"the figure would stalk the 2 girls and eventually die"
"one girl will be stalked and found, which will destroy her both mentally and physically"
"the scary figure will continue to follow them, hunt them etc they will keep trying to escape"
"the 2 girls get kidnapped, only 1 escapes and die"
"the dark figure will torment the girls and they will become trapped in their house"

From these results, the opening scene has showed the audience that the two girls are the victims which is actually what happens throughout the film, however only 1 girl dies and gets tormented. Only one person answered this, meaning that we have succeeded in misleading the audience; that when they realise the truth towards the end of the film a bigger shock factor and impact will be created during the climax, making our film more successful.

Question 4 - Do you feel the use of a soundtrack and sound effects has contributed to creating atmosphere and tension for our opening scene?

Yes - 8
No - 2

From these results, a high percentage of 80% was answered "yes". Overall this shows that our group successfully used the soundtrack correctly giving the audience a more edgy feeling, including the sound effects that made the audience feel more tense.

 Question 5 - On a scale of 1 to 10 could you rate how successful you think our opening scene is:
For this question I used a 'rating scale' which enabled the people who answered my questionnaire to rate how good or bad they thought our opening scene was. Was from 1 to 10, being 10 the brilliant, and 1 awful.
one  - 0
two - 0
three - 0 
four -  0
five -  3
six - 3
seven - 2 
eight - 2
nine - 0
ten - 0

From asking this question it would give us as a group an idea if we succeeded a good opening scene. Looking at the results it shows that it was successful but not as successful as we hoped it to be. Closest to being good was an "8" from a scale of 1 to 10, and least was "5"; this is a fairly poor results. However, the results from question 7 will help us as a group to understand where we went wrong and how to improve it.

Question 6 - Could you give us some feedback  explaining what you like and don't like etc
This was also an open -ended question, below are 5 answers i picked out at random;

"enjoyed the plot, editing could of been better"
"liked how it was a natural, casual setting could have been more smooth"
"like the darkness it was a good effect, dislike the way it goes too fast"
"liked the setting, continuity was a bit rough"
"liked the plot, how it was in one house and the characters went outside, could have run smoother"

The majority of the feedback was positive, including the plot and setting. however we did get some criticism's, mainly the editing.  We have took into account these, understanding how we could improve our opening scene further if we had the chance to remake it. 

Question 7  - How do you think we could improve?
This is the last open-ended question, from all 10 results here are the most variety: 
"spend more time editing"
"make it smoother"
"drag it our more (more suspense)"
"create better lighting, and make it flow more"
"make it flow better"

Most of these results link one way or the other, the main way in which our group can improve is by editing. This is linked to question 6. As a group looking at these results, we needed to spend more time editing to take more care into making it more successful. We know that if we were to re-do this then we can improve in the certain ways the audience have suggested.

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