Tuesday 8 February 2011

Camera Use

We had already booked out the equipment previously for our first attempt of the filming process. The equipment we had booked out from our school previously were:
-Digital Camcorder

We booked this equipment out on Tuesday 2nd January, which we are allowed to keep until we have finished filming, because we have kept the equipment since our last attempt of filming we were already to film on our new dates that we have already discussed.

Most of our filming will be indoors, however some part of it is outdoors. Ideally we wouldn't to get the filming out the way so we could as a group have more time for editing, however the action shots we wanted to take were outside and during night. We wanted to shoot around dusk/night because we don't have access to any lighting equipment or technology to create a dark eerie atmosphere which relates to the thriller of our opening scene, therefore filming at dusk would provide the dark setting we desire. We didn't feel the need to check the weather that day, because if it did rain, then it could make it more effective.

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