Friday 18 February 2011

Film Editing: Uploading footage

Film Editing: Uploading Footage
We have decided to edit the film together as a group. This way we can individually express all out ideas,  making decisions together and hopefully producing a more successful opening scene.

Below are screen shots taken to show some of the editing processes we used in the production of our media product.
The first one is of the homepage of the programme "Adobe Premiere Elements 7";

Once we had finally uploaded all of our footage that we had filmed onto the software we started the editing process by deleting all of the footage we weren't going to use. We when then realised that parts of the film had sounds that weren't appropiate to be there, these needed to be edited out. 

Below shows how to cut out clips off the film,  and play the actual film.

To the left is where you upload the clips, giving a picture of what the subject of each clip is.

The above square is where to drag the clips, this puts them in order and either side can give you special effects that overall is more effective.

The overall film produced tension and atmosphere relating to the our chosen genre; 'thriller,' making our opening scene more successful.

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