Tuesday 8 February 2011


Slide 1;(top right) Honor is getting ready in room. Katie is getting ready in another.They are shouting to each other while in separate rooms.

Slide 2;(bottom left) Lights switch off, Honor gets scared, Katie explains that it is just the electric. When the light comes back on, the blusher has gone.

Slide 3;(bottom right) Katie drops her toothbrush, lights switch off while she bends down to retrieve it. when the lights come back on a hooded figure appears in the mirror.

Slide 4;(top left)  After coming downstairs, Honor and Katie are talking about who goes outside to check the generator.

Slide 5;(top right) Katie walks out to the generator.

Slide 6;(bottom left) Katie walks towards the generator and noises start to happen, so she runs back.

Slide 7;(bottom right) Hooded figure appears in the mirror.

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