Friday 18 February 2011

Film Editing

Before we uploaded our filmed footage onto the software; 'Premiere Elements 7.0' we had to consider other factors that would be included in the editing process of our opening scene. These factors are:-Film Name/Titles, Font and Colour
-Soundtrack and Copyright Eligibility

Film Name/Titles, Font and Colour:
We are going to use a simple, bold font for the title, making it clear to read yet still being effective and dramatic. We decided to use a simple font but edgy so the audience has most focus on the title.

Soundtrack, Copyright Eligibility and Letter
It was time to make a group decision on whether to produce an original piece of music or to use an existing piece of music as our soundtrack for the opening scene we are currently producing.

Our reasons for wanting to use a soundtrack
-The use of a soundtrack in an opening scene/film is an extremely common media convention used for films with all types of genre. Music is a form of media that can influence how an audience feels, playing with their emotions and portraying different messages and feelings. therefore we felt that a soundtrack would improve the success of our opening scene.

-Looking back at one of the three of the opening scene deconstructions of; 'Se7en' a soundtrack was used. This informs me and my group that a soundtrack is a commonly used media convention for films with the same genre as the one we chose for our opening scene that we are currently to producing: thriller. Therefore by using the media convention of a soundtrack, our opening scene can be related and compared to existing media products which we are aiming to achieve.

Original or Existing?
We sat down and thought about all the ways we could obtain a soundtrack; our options were to either create our own or use an existing soundtrack. Thinking about time constraints and the levels of skill we would need to create a original soundtrack that would be successful, we decided it would be best to use an already existing soundtrack.

However the major problem with using an existing soundtrack is that most of them, if not all, will have copyright protection. This is when a piece of work is protected from use by anyone who does not have permission to do so. in order to use an existing soundtrack you would have to obtain the right to use it by getting permission from the owner/s agreeing to let you use their material. They would also specify under what conditions you may use it.

Below there is some information about copyright that we found to help us understand more about the law and stipulations for the protection on different forms of media.Copyright Information:

© is the standard symbol stating that something is copyrighted and protected from use other than what is permitted.

'Copyright is the exclusive right granted to the author of an original work, including the right to authorise or ban the publication, distribution and adaptation of that work. Copyright only lasts for a certain time period after which the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete and fixed in a medium. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. Copyright is described under the umbrella term intellectual property along with patents and trademarks.' - Wikipedia

'Document granting exclusive right to publish and sell literary or musical or artistic work' - Google Definitions.

Solution Outcome:
We thought about each aspect thoroughly and after researching all about copyright and protection on existing media products we decided to write a letter to the company who produced the soundtrack we wanted to use for our opening scene, stating that; we would only use the soundtrack for educational purposes and so it will not ever be publicly presented or used for any commercial purposes in hope that we would get permission for the use of this soundtrack.

Below is the letter we wrote to "Artisan Film's" in order to obtain copyright for the use of their soundtrack as well as an audio clip of the soundtrack we are going to use:

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